Blog #2: It’s All in the Eyes…of Anime

Okay so I wasn’t too sure about what to talk about for this blog, but lucky for me a topic presented itself.  Today, I’m going to be talking al little about how animators are able to have their characters express emotion through the character’s eyes.  My primary focus will be on the way the eyes are often drawn for characters of Japanese anime shows and films.  Anime, which is an abbreviation for the word “animation”, is often used as blanket term for the Japanese style of motion-picture animation, and it is often characterized by  by highly stylized, colorful art, futuristic settings, violence, and sexuality (  Many popular anime includes Cowboy Bebop, the Dragon Ball series, Pokemon, etc.


Now, for anyone who, like myself, has ever watched an anime show or film, a very noticable “anime characteristic” is how big the eyes are for each of the characters.  For example, the eyes of Ash Ketchum, the main character in the Pokemon series, are pretty big compared to the eyes of a real person, and they are quite the dominant feature of his face.  So one could ask his or herself: what’s with the big eyes?  Well, the big eyes are used by the animators so that the characters they create can express their emotions in a more obvious and exaggerated manner.  For example, when the anime character is meant to show the emotion of happiness or joy, his or hers eyes close, then the eyes are raised up slightly, and they appear as two little hills (see the picture above for a better look).  This of course goes in line with the exaggeration-of-features technique which is used by animator across the globe in order to, among other things, express emotions through the animated character.  As the famous animator Walt Disney once said, and I paraphrase, “If the character is to look sad, make him look even sadder.” and this quote captures exactly the point and reason why a major characteristic of Japanese anime are the big eyes which pretty much all of its characters possess.

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6 Comments on “Blog #2: It’s All in the Eyes…of Anime”

  1. Kaila Poole Says:

    I never thought of how important eyes were to anime characters or the fact that their eyes alone can express exaggerated emotion. Its very different in comparison to American toons, where the whole body is used to express emotion (called the “take”, Looney Tunes and Tom and Jerry are good examples of this!).

    Now that I think about it, creators for anime shows may be more likely to place a big focus on the eyes when animating human characters. Humans, in general, express their emotions through their tone of voice and their eyes. So, as humans can express emotion through their eyes, anime characters are drawn to emphasis emotion through the eyes as well. Expressing emotion this way can probably be better understood than through the cartoon “take”, as it can be done for pretty much anything. The expressions in anime are more specific, and thus, be understood.

  2. capgmu2012 Says:

    I’ve actually never watched much Anime (unless you count Pokemon) but I agree with one the blog comments. The eyes can make or break a character’s display of emotion. Whether it be with the assistance of the eyebrow or not, the glare and the size of the eye can present a character’s emotion. The animation of the eyes can also change the characteristics of protagonists, antagonists, and those in between. If a character has a permanent look because of the way their eyes are displayed, then it shapes the story as well.

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  4. Franz Dadia Says:

    the eye’s that the eye drawer draw was outstanding and totally bombastic because of the realistic and the powerful faith and trust that has the drawer has… i really wish to make an featuring anime eye just like that

  5. Franz Dadia Says:

    And besides the eye also refers to different emotion it reflects a constantly of the order emotion or expression that is replied of the situation of the drawer had in mind…. It will be better if a good emotion is implied in the face of an anime because it makes the anime even more beautiful….RIGHT…… Sigh……

  6. I think it is also a means for them to draw a distinction from american cartooning. The manga and anime industry grew after wwII and the culture clash of western and eastern.

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